February 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 3rd February 2020 which commenced at 7pm in the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet
Chairman: Cllr Mr Brian Bignell, Cllr Mr Ralph Benton, Cllr Mrs Sheila Warsap & Cllr Mr Peter Mace
In attendance: Clerk: Ms Natalie Fenner
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally
District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett (7.02pm)
Members of Public: None
Item 20/02-18 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting.
Public Forum
No members of the public were in attendance & no matters were raised. The Chairman confirmed that if any members of the public should turn up, the meeting will be paused and revert to the Public Forum to deal with any matters that maybe raised.
Cllr Mr Mace reported that one of the A-Board signs located outside of the Crown Inn was making passing on the footpath more difficult. A letter would be sent to ask if the A-Board signs could be moved further along the footpath to avoid any obstruction.
The Public Forum Closed at 7.03pm.
Item 20/02-19 Police Matters
No representative from the local neighbourhood policing team were present, no updates reported and no matters were raised.
Item 20/02-20 Apologies and acceptance for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Mrs Wendy Barker.
Item 20/02-21 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Item 20/02-22 District & County Councillors Report
District & County Cllr Mr McNally Reported:
One You Lincolnshire – Service which helps to support healthier lifestyle changes.
LCC Budget 2020/2021 – An additional £4m has been allocated to Highways.
Public Heath England – Statistics available (Average Age, Death, Health & Lifestyle) along with details and information available for the Local Health Protection Team.
New Carers First Lincolnshire Monthly Drop-In – On the last Wednesday of every month (11-3pm) there is a drop-in session available for anyone who would like to talk to someone about their caring role. Held at St. Barnabas, Louth.
A Century of Valour Exhibition – Being held until the 15th March at the Collection Museum in Lincoln.
LCC Website – Improvements have been made to the accessibility of the website and the layout. Changes are also being made the Parish Council Websites and training is mandatory for LCC to continue to be able to be provide the website.
District & County Cllr Mr McNally will email through further information on the One You Lincolnshire services, the Carers Drop-In sessions and the link to the relevant information on Public Health England to the Clerk.
District Cllr Mr Rickett Reported:
ELDC Council Tax: An increase of 3.94% is expected for 2020/2021. This equates to an approx. increase cost to a Band D value property of £4.95 per year or 9.5p per week.
Cllr Mr Mace enquired if there was any further information on the possible provision of a defibrillator for the village. District Cllr Mr Rickett explained the local funding that was being made that may be able to assist. The Clerk also advised that a request has been put forward to the Louth Lions upon advice that funding assistance could be possible.
Item 20/02-23 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on the 6th January 2020
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Warsap, seconded by Cllr Mr Benton and resolved that the notes of the monthly Meeting held on the 6th January 2020 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed and dated the Minutes.
Item 20/02-24 Chairman’s Report
Parish Councillor Resignation – The Chairman advised of the letter received from the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Mrs Susan Bishop who has sadly decided to resign from the Parish Council. The letter received was read to Cllrs. The Parish Council was saddened to see the loss of Mrs Bishop to the Parish Council and would like to thank Mrs Bishop for her work and support which was greatly appreciated.
Parish Clerk Vacancy - There has been no forthcoming interest to fill the Parish Clerk position. Ms Fenner has agreed to continue in the position until a replacement can be found.
Donations Required - The Chapel in Saltfleet is collection donations of clothes, food and toiletries for the Lighthouse project in Louth.
Saltfleet Haven - The new combination padlock for the barrier at the Haven has been purchased and will be set up along with notification to all interested parties.
Noticeboard Maintenance - The Chairman will sort out a new lock for the Noticeboard located at the Bus Shelter on Louth Rd.
It has been asked if there could be a provision of Recycling Bins at the Playing Fields as they were previously removed from Sea Lane but some are located near to the Haven. Enquiries will be made.
Parish Council Website – Details of the training session were provided. The Chairman and Cllr Mr Mace would like to attend.
Item 20/02-25 Parish Councillors Reports/Matters to Raise
Cllr Mrs Warsap confirmed that Mr Keith Warsap will be organising and running the Car boot Sales on the Playfields for the forthcoming season. Two toilets will be required but one can remain on the playing fields. The Car boot Sale Dates: 12th April 2020, 10th May 2020, 24th May 2020 and 30th August 2020.
Item 20/02-26 Matters Arising From the December 2019 Correspondence File
Cllr Mr Mace has the information on the Adult Fitness Equipment proposals for the Playing Fields to be considered further along with possible funding opportunities. This will be placed on the March Agenda.
Item 20/02-27 Financial Matters
A) FEBRUARY 2020 Expenditure: It was Resolved to add the Chairman as an additional signatory to the bank account along with Cllr Mr Mace. A new mandate was completed and signed by the Chairman and an additional mandate will be obtained to add Cllr Mr Mace.
A new mandate to change the signatories to the Saltfeet Social Field bank account will be obtained.
Item 20/02-28 Planning Matters
A) To Consider the Following Listed Planning Consent Proposal:
Ref: N/155/02256/19 Applicant: Mrs.J.Parr
Proposal: Listed Building Consent – Alterations to provide 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign and 1no. non-
illuminated free standing sign.
Location: Manor House, Main Road, Saltfleet, Nr. Louth, Lincs, LN11 7RZ
The Parish Council considered the proposals applied for and Resolved to fully Support the application for Listed
Building Consent.
District Cllr Mr Rickett then left the meeting at 7.40pm.
Item 20/02-29 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters
Cllr Mr Mace has been reported defects using the FixMyStree App successfully. Potholes reported were on Warren Rd near to Stubbs Farm and outside of the Parish on Firebeacon Lane.
There is a pothole on Main Rd near to the speed limit sign heading north out of Saltfleet before Wine Hill Lane.
Cllr Mr Benton reported on the on-going poor deterioration of Church Lane.
Cllr Mr Mace reported that when the tree has been removed on Saddleback Rd, the white board fencing has been broken.
Item 20/02-30 St Botolph’s Church
Hedge Maintenance - Cllr Mrs Warsap advised that there were a couple of family members willing to help. Cllr Mr Mace and the Chairman will also help and a date will be set.
Cemetery Update – The burial of Mr Sutcliffe has been carried out and the provision of the grave next to family members could be accommodated. An update to the burial map will be carried out along with an update to the registers.
Cllr Mrs Warsap also enquired on the progress of the Byelaw for the cemetery at St. Botolph’s Church. The draft Byelaw was created and amendments were made but did not proceed any further. The Clerk will resurrect the draft and proceed with the necessary actions.
Item 20/02-31 Village Field
Carpark – Awaiting on works to commence.
Item 20/02-32 Any Other Urgent Matters
Item 20/02-33 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting
It was Resolved that the next Monthly Parish Council Meeting would take place on Monday 2nd March 2020 within the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet commencing at 7pm with the Public Forum.
With no further business or matters raised, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 8.07pm