November 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 9th November 2020 which commenced at 7:01pm online using ZOOM
Chairman: Cllr Mr Brian Bignell, Cllr Mrs Sheila Warsap, Cllr Mr Ralph Benton, Cllr Mrs Wendy Barker &
Cllr Mr Peter Mace
In attendance: Clerk: Ms Natalie Fenner
Members of Public: None
Item 20/12-113 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the fifth Parish Council meeting held on-line.
Public Forum
No members of the public requested to access the on-line meeting.
Item 20/12-114 Police Matters
No members of the local neighbourhood policing team were in attendance and no feedback received.
No matters were raised.
Item 20/12-115 Apologies and acceptance for absence
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally and District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett.
Item 20/12-116 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Cllr Warsap declared an interest in the advice sought on works carried out by the Environment Agency and the use of the carpark facility on the playing fields.
Item 20/12-117 District & County Councillors Report
In the absence of both District and County Cllrs no report was made. District Cllr Mr Rickett had been in communication with the Chairman. District & County Cllr Mr McNally advised that he would send an email update to be circulated.
Item 20/12-118 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on the 9th November 2020
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Warsap, seconded by Cllr Mr Mace, and resolved that the notes of the monthly Meeting held on the 9th November 2020 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes as a true copy when possible to do so.
Item 20/12-119 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had no specific matters to raise under this item.
Item 20/12-120 Clerks Report
The Clerk reported on: Benches – Order being processed.
Tree Preservation Order – Enquires have been received relating to the sycamore trees that have been recently felled surrounding a property located on Main Rd, Saltfleet.
Enquiries were made with ELDC and a site visit will be made. No applications had been received for any works to be carried out. ELDC will advise once a site visit has been made.
Saltfleet Haven – The new gate has been erected and the signs for the carpark and access will be erected in due course.
Website – The old website will be made redundant by the end of the year with a new website provision in place.
EA Carpark – An email was sent to advise of the damaged post and the amount of space that was used was greater than agreed.
St. Botolph’s Byelaw – A final draft has been produced. Further advice to the cost and process is being investigated.
Item 20/12-121 Parish Councillors Reports/Matters to Raise
Cllr Mrs Barker reported that Mr John Jaines had been in contact to raise concerns on the foreshore. Regular litter picking by the Wildfowlers is being carried out but concerns that the amount of litter is increasing along with concerns of a vehicle located at the Haven for a few weeks. Fly-tipping has also been an issue but has been reported to ELDC.
Item 20/12-122 Financial Matters
A) DECEMBER 2020 Expenditure: No expenditure to approve.
Item 20/12-123 Planning Matters:
To Note the Following Application was Granted Full Planning Permission:
ELDC Ref: N/155/01827/20 Applicant: Mr Thomas
Proposal: Planning Permission – Extension and Alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a
bedroom enlarged kitchen and bathroom.
Location: 8, Freshney Close, Saltfleet, Nr. Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 7RW
Notification that the above proposal was granted full planning permission had been received earlier today.
Cllr Mrs Barker had noticed a Notice of Planning Permission for the property known as Well Pastures located on a
Pole near to the property. No notification has been received by the Parish Council but will be investigated further.
Item 20/12-124 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters
Cllr Mr Benton reported on damage to the drain located near to the junction of West Lane on the bend.
Item 20/12-125 Village Field
The Chairman and Cllr Mr Mace will liaise on producing general/maintenance inspection reports on the field and equipment. Sand to fill in holes from animal diggings and to join the carpark edging will be sourced.
Cllr Mr Mace reported that a new gate post to the drain side gate is needed. It is unsure if this is LMDB or the EA but would be investigated and reported.
Item 20/12-126 Any Other Urgent Matters
Item 20/12-127 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting – 4th January 2021
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on-line via ZOOM on Monday 4th January 2021 commencing at 7pm.
With no further business or matters raised, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 7.27pm