August 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 3rd August 2020 which commenced at 7:15pm online using Webex
Chairman: Cllr Mr Brian Bignell, Cllr Mrs Sheila Warsap, Cllr Mrs Wendy Barker & Cllr Mr Peter Mace
In attendance: Clerk: Ms Natalie Fenner
District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally
Members of Public: None
Item 20/08-49 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first Parish Council meeting held on-line.
Public Forum
The Clerk reported that Mr Higgins had advised that he would not be present at the meeting this evening.
Mr Higgins had no issues to report and assistance was given relating to his Beach Permit.
Item 20/08-50 Police Matters
Apologies had been received from PCSO Louise Borman. The Clerk had requested a summary of incidents reported over the last 6mth period within the Parish. PSCO Borman kindly provided a summary covering the period from June 2020 and the type of incident reported. There were two reported incidents in Skidbrooke and 25 in Saltfleet. Reports of speeding vehicles along Main Road, Warren Road and Sea Lane had been noted from social media. The Clerk had enquired if there had been any recent speed checks carried out in the Parish and if there had been any extra patrolling by the Policing Team in the area. PCSO Borman advised that there is not a log of when speed checks are carried out. The information is not available due to the number of officers and regularly having officers cover the area from other areas so cannot account for where every officer has been.
Item 20/08-51 Apologies and acceptance for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Mr Ralph Benton.
Item 20/08-52 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Item 20/08-53 District & County Councillors Report
County Cllr Mr McNally reported on the possible unitary status/devolution with both ELDC and LCC. This would mean one council to contact and possible proposals would be investigated in September with implementation in 2022.
District Cllr Mr Rickett has been in touch with the Chairman during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering assistance and advice.
ELDC are looking to bring forward Carbon Neutral plans by 10yrs from 2040 to 2030. Vehicles used are being looked at that can be more effective.
Item 20/08-54 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on the 2nd March 2020
It was proposed by Cllr Mr Mace, seconded by Cllr Mrs Barker, and resolved that the notes of the monthly Meeting held on the 2nd March 2020 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes as a true copy when possible to do so.
Item 20/08-55 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had received mixed views on the area that has been left uncut on the playing-fields. The section of long grass concerned was brought to the attention of the contractor. They advised that the area was too long to cut initially but it would be sorted out shortly.
The Chairman reported that there are many panels that are missing in the play area. The Chairman proposed that around 3dozen panels are purchased and replaced either immediately or at the end of the holiday season. The Parish Council unanimously resolved for the Chairman to purchase the panels and replace when suited.
Cllr Mrs Barker thanked the Chairman for his continuous maintenance carried out on the play equipment and on social media about a recent litter pick.
There were also thanks given to a neighbour, Amy for the helping to tidy up in the Parish which was much appreciated.
Item 20/08-56 Parish Councillors Reports/Matters to Raise
Cllr Mrs Warsap reported from the Social Centre Committee meeting: The Social Centre will be re-opening on the 31st August 2020. A deep clean will be carried out including a de-fogging by MKB Services who are carrying out the service free of charge to help the Parish in current circumstances relating to COVID-19. A £10k grant has been received from ELDC which will help to purchase necessary sanitising equipment and in other areas. There were discussions at the Committee Meeting to possible to waive rent charges for clubs. The Parish Council will be reimbursed for any hire charges paid but not used. The next Social Centre Committee Meeting will be held on the 26th August 2020.
Item 20/08-57 Financial Matters
A) AUGUST 2020 Expenditure: All outstanding payments have been made. Invoices have been received from Glendale Management for the grass-cutting of the playing fields. Cheques have been raised, signed and remittance sent to keep continued service during current times. Payments Raised: Glendale Management Grass-Cutting Services: £370.80, LALC 2020/21 Subscription £165.46, PAYE (April/May/June 2020) £538.42 including re-imbursement for padlocks replaced due to vandalism. It was unanimously resolved that the payments made were appropriately carried out.
Item 20/08-58 Planning Matters
A) To Note the Full Listed Planning Consent Granted by ELDC:
Ref: N/155/00589/20 Applicant: Platform Housing
Proposal: Planning Permission: Construction of a Vehicular Access & Driveway with Pedestrian Access Ramp
Location: 8, Freshney Place, Saltfleet, Nr. Louth, Lincs, LN11 7RW
The permission given was noted by the Parish Council and hoped that now the driveway has been completed there
will be no further issues with parking that caused an obstruction to road users.
Item 20/08-59 St. Botolph’s Church – Interment of Ashes for the late Mrs Rose Spokes
The clerk reported on the actions taken for the interment of ashes for the late Mrs Spokes which was carried out on the 14th July 2020.
Item 20/08-60 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters
Speeding Issues – Reports of speeding on Warren Rd, Main Rd, and Sea Lane. (See Police Matters).
Footpath on Greyfleet Bank to Louth Road – The Clerk had received a call from a resident with enquires on the diversion of the footpath. The footpath did route straight through the field but due to crops, accessibility is only viable around the field. There has been no formal diversion received, further enquires will be made for any necessary action that may need to be taken.
Overgrown Hedges – There has been complaints received on overgrown hedges at the Haven corner and along Warren Road. This has been reported to Highways but mindful of the restrictions on hedge-cutting due to nesting birds.
Highway Works: Saddleback Culvert, West Lane, Skidbrooke – It is the intention of LCC to carry out refurbishment works to the structure. The works are due to commence on the 16th September 2020 and could last up to 4wks. The junction of West Lane onto Saddleback road will be closed within this period. Residents and businesses in the are will be notified directly.
Item 20/08-61 Village Field
Grass-Cutting - It was agreed to continue the grass-cutting of the playing-fields as normal for the next month.
The fencing of the carpark will be resurrected to get the works completed asap.
Un-Authorised Camping – There was an incident reported to the Police on un-authorised camping on the playing-fields which involved one male, two vehicles and a tent. The matter was dealt with and the person moved off the field.
Play-Equipment Maintenance – See Chairman’s Report (Item 20/06-55). No further matters raised.
Item 20/08-62 Saltfleet Haven
There have been numerous complaints received along with many incidents reported to the Police relating to over-night camping and vehicles at the Haven. Currently, there is no over-night camping allowed at the Haven. The increased number of visitors to the Haven has also brought along an increased amount of Litter.
LCC have been contacted and have instructed a more regular litter pick from their contractor.
LCC are hesitant to place a litter bin at the carpark as it is felt that by having a litter bin will attract an increased amount of litter around the bin to be collected. The Clerk had carried out a litter pick of the area after complaints received and had looked into signage.
The padlock on the gate to the foreshore was vandalised, a replacement was installed. Then the gate was removed and thrown in the dunes and the padlock with chain attached missing. The police were informed and LCC. LCC instructed a contractor to re-hang the gate which was completed and a new padlock installed.
Item 20/08-63 Howdens Pullover / Sea Lane Access to Foreshore
Again, there has been complaints received relating to over-night camping but not as bad as the Haven. There have been sightings of 4x4 vehicles accessing the beach from Sea Lane. The bollard is in place but LCC will be made aware of the issue.
Item 20/08-64 Any Other Urgent Matters
A provisional meeting had been booked to meeting with Quantum Air Fibre for the September Parish Council meeting. The company is based in a former RAF base at Brookenby. Using a Government initiative, the company aims to provide an improved internet service to local villages. The Parish Council agreed to postpone the meeting until October due to current circumstances.
Item 20/08-65 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting
Due to the uncertainties relating to COVID-19, current advice is to continue to hold remote Parish Council meetings. It was resolved host the next Parish Council meeting on-line using the Webex system.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 7th September 2020 commencing at 7pm.
With no further business or matters raised, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 8.02pm