October 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 5th October 2020 which commenced at 7:02pm online using Webex
Chairman: Cllr Mr Brian Bignell, Cllr Mrs Sheila Warsap, Cllr Mrs Wendy Barker & Cllr Mr Peter Mace
In attendance: Clerk: Ms Natalie Fenner
District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally
Members of Public: None
Item 20/10-81 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the third Parish Council meeting held on-line.
Public Forum
No members of the public joined the on-line meeting.
Item 20/10-82 Police Matters
No members of the local neighbourhood policing team were in attendance and no feedback received.
No matters were raised.
Item 20/10-83 Apologies and acceptance for absence
Item 20/10-84 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Item 20/10-85 District & County Councillors Report
County & District Cllr Mr McNally reported that Church Lane has been booked for a Jet Patch Fix but is unsure when this will be. Cllr Mrs Barker commented that this was booked in 3yrs ago and is hoping that the work carried out will be better than recent repair works. Cllr McNally advised that he has a job number which can be provided and thought that the recent repairs were good, although there were lots of defects missed.
On recent news, there is a lot of controversy relating to the Local Development Order on Caravan Parks which has been passed on a two-year time limit.
District Cllr Mr Rickett reported on Devolution and that the idea has been dropped at present.
Cllr Mr Mace asked if there was any funding support for a defibrillator for the telephone kiosk. Cllr Mr Rickett advised that he would be happy to support but would be dependent on funding allocated to District Cllrs and the amount required.
Item 20/10-86 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on the 7th September 2020
It was proposed by Cllr Mr P Mace, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Warsap, and resolved that the notes of the monthly Meeting held on the 7th September 2020 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes as a true copy when possible to do so.
Item 20/10-87 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had no specific matters to raise under this item.
Item 20/10-88 Clerks Report
The Quantum Air Fibre meeting that has been placed on hold due to COVID will try to be arranged for an on-line
Presentation instead.
An email had been received from Mr Higgins advising of an issue at the top of Pump Lane relating to a piece of metal fencing purtruding onto the footpath. The Chairman and Cllr Mr Mace will investigate.
Interest in becoming a Parish Council had been received and will be followed up.
The Clerk advised that she will be moving property at the end of the month.
Item 20/10-89 Parish Councillors Reports/Matters to Raise
Cllr Mrs Warsap asked on the progress of the Byelaws for the Churchyard. The Clerk advised that the final draft was being checked.
Benches – There was an issue with the order that has been resolved and is now in progress.
Item 20/10-90 Financial Matters
A) OCTOBER 2020 Expenditure: Glendale Management – Grass-Cutting of Field £370.80 and PAYE/HMRC £325.42.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Warsap, seconded by Cllr Mrs Barker and Resolved to pay the above expenditure.
Item 20/10-91 Planning Matters
Item 20/10-92 Saltfleet Haven
New signs for the Haven have been drafted and ordered. An information board will be drafted and input from the
Parish Council as to what is to be included is welcomed.
Item 20/10-93 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters
Overgrown Hedges – Cllr Mrs Barker reported that the overgrown hedges driving towards Howdales have not yet been trimmed back.
Item 20/10-94 Village Field
Environment Agency – It has been noted that the use of the carpark is greater than the proposed amount needed along with the gate post that has been damaged. These matters have been raised with the EA and at present, awaiting a response.
Cllr Mr Mace advised on the reinforcement of the fencing panels surrounding the play areas. The bottoms will be reinforced with galvanised wire to prevent vandalism.
Cllr Mrs Warsap has spoken to Keith regarding the sand and filling of holes on the field.
Item 20/10-95 Any Other Urgent Matters
Item 20/10-96 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting – 2nd November 2020
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 2nd November 2020 commencing at 7pm.
With no further business or matters raised, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 7.31pm