September 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 7th September 2020 which commenced at 7:03pm online using Webex
Chairman: Cllr Mr Brian Bignell, Cllr Mr Ralph Benton, Cllr Mrs Sheila Warsap, Cllr Mrs Wendy Barker & Cllr Mr Peter Mace
In attendance: Clerk: Ms Natalie Fenner
District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally (7.28pm)
Members of Public: None
Item 20/09-66 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the second Parish Council meeting held on-line.
Public Forum
No members of the public joined the on-line meeting.
Item 20/09-67 Police Matters
No members of the local neighbourhood policing team were in attendance and no feedback received.
No matters were raised.
Item 20/09-68 Apologies and acceptance for absence
Item 20/09-69 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011
Cllr Mrs Warsap declared an interest in Item 20/09-78. Cllr Mrs Warsap had obtained advice from a family member in relation to the Environment Agency works and fees charged.
Item 20/09-70 District & County Councillors Report
District Cllr Mr Rickett reported on the discussions being held on Devolution. Combining both County and District Councils together and having one unitary authority. Cllr Rickett own opinion was that this would be a negative move and Parish Councils served would suffer due to the large number of Cllrs that would be lost in the process. The process is seen as a money saving exercise.
County & District Cllr Mr McNally reported on the recent trial of separating paper and card that is collected. This will be rolled out within the district around 2023. It will see a separate bin (purple) being used and collected on alternative weeks to the normal grey recycling bin.
Item 20/09-71 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on the 3rd August 2020
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs S Warsap, seconded by Cllr Mr P Mace, and resolved that the notes of the monthly Meeting held on the 3rd August 2020 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes as a true copy when possible to do so.
Item 20/09-72 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that the picket fencing has been repaired. The amount spent was £15 and there is approx. half a dozen spare. The Chairman reported that there are some holes in the field that would benefit from being filled in. It was suggested and resolved that a builder’s bag or trailer of sand is obtained.
The Chairman had been asked if the Louth Football Club could use the field. Due to the condition of the surface, it was agreed that the field could be used at the risk of Louth FC and no responsibility would fall to the Parish Council should there be an injury.
Item 20/09-73 Parish Councillors Reports/Matters to Raise
No matters were reported or raised.
Item 20/09-74 Financial Matters
A) SEPTEMBER 2020 Expenditure: No expenditure to approve.
Item 20/09-75 Planning Matters
A) To Consider the following Proposal: ELDC Ref: N/110/01435/20Town and Country Planning
(Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Proposal: Notice Under Article38 of proposal for a Coastal Zone Local Development Order granting planning
Location: Land situated within Coastal East Lindsey as defined by SP17 of the adopted East Lindsey Local Plan
2018 Grid Ref: 550715.24 385903.64
District & County Cllr McNally explained that the proposal was to allow Caravan Sites to remain open all year round.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the Tourism industry, this would be beneficial to the economy in the area.
The Parish Council raised concerns over the impact that this would have on the local doctor surgeries and other main services in the area and would object to the proposal on the grounds that it would have a detrimental effect on
Services along with an increased risk to life in a high-risk flood zone area.
Item 20/09-76 Saltfleet Haven
A meeting was held with Matthew Davey from LCC relating to the recent vandalism to the gate that was grinded up
and thrown into the Haven along with the padlock. The Chairman, Cllr Mr Mace, the Clerk and three residents
were in attendance. The trial to allow campervans to stay overnight has been scrapped. It was resolved that a new
gate will be erected but will remain unlocked. Signs will also be erected and further security measures will be
Item 20/09-77 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters
Overgrown Hedges – Cllr Mrs Barker reported on overgrown hedges driving towards Howdales.
Cllr Mr Mace enquired on the large pothole on Warren Road, opposite the property of Hartsholme. The pothole was reported to Highways and has just been repaired.
Repairs have been carried out on Church Lane but there are several defects that remain un-repaired. Sections of the lane are pitted with potholes which is deteriorating along with subsidence.
Item 20/09-78 Village Field
Grass-Cutting - It was agreed to continue the grass-cutting for two more cuts.
The fencing and moving of gates to the carpark will commence at the end of October.
Environment Agency – A request has been made to use part of the carpark for a compound facility to carry out necessary emergency flood defence works to the Greyfleet Drain adjacent to the field. The Environment Agency are willing to pay a fee for the use of the space needed.
Cllr Mr Mace had made enquires and was advised that an appropriate fee would be £500 per week or part of a week. Insurance and Risk is the responsibility of the Environment Agency and to make good upon departure.
It was proposed by Cllr Mace, seconded by Cllr Mrs Barker, and resolved on the fee required.
It was noted that a portacabin had already been placed on the site. Further enquiries to why this has been done would be made.
Item 20/09-79 Any Other Urgent Matters
Item 20/09-80 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting – 5th October 2020
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 5th October 2020 commencing at 7pm. A presentation prior to the meeting will be held with Quantum Air Fibre. There will be a maximum number of people able to attend and therefore names of attendees will be needed to ensure social distancing in the Social Centre, Saltfleet.
With no further business or matters raised, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 8pm