March 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 3rd March 2020 which commenced at 7pm in the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet


Chairman: Cllr Mr Brian Bignell, Cllr Mr Ralph Benton, Cllr Mrs Sheila Warsap, Cllr Mrs Wendy Barker & Cllr Mr Peter Mace

In attendance: Clerk: Ms Natalie Fenner

                          District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett


Members of Public:  Mr Colin Higgins


Item 20/03-34 Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting.


Public Forum

Mr Higgins reported on two potholes along Tilleygate and the gouge along Saddleback Road. Mr Higgins also requested that when the gate at the Haven has been erected, the access code to the padlock will be passed on to Mr Higgins who currently has a Beach Permit.


Item 20/03-35 Police Matters

No representative from the local neighbourhood policing team were present, no updates reported and no matters were raised.


Item 20/03-36 Apologies and acceptance for absence

District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally.


Item 20/03-37 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011



Item 20/03-38 District & County Councillors Report

District Cllr Mr Rickett Reported:

ELDC Full Council Meeting – To be held on the 4th March 2020.

Public Heath England – Statistics available (Average Age, Death, Health & Lifestyle) along with details and information available for the Local Health Protection Team.

Coronavirus – Latest update given on the outbreak.


Cllr Mr Mace enquired about possible funding opportunities from ELDC to be able to put towards Adult Fitness Equipment for the Playing Fields. District Cllr Mr Rickett explained that the District Cllr Fund available each year which could be available for a defibrillator but not towards the amount needed for Adult Fitness Equipment.


Cllr Mrs Warsap enquired on possible funding for the Methodist Chapel for maintenance repairs needed, the cost involved due to being a listed building and the changes needing to be like for like along with associated planning permissions.


District Cllr Mr Rickett advised to email through any funding requests with details which then can be looked into further along with enquires to the planning department to obtain appropriate advice on any questions raised.


County Cllr Mr McNally had emailed through an E-Brief update to be circulated.


Item 20/03-39 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on the 3rd February 2020

It was proposed by Cllr Mr Mace, seconded by Cllr Mrs Warsap and resolved that the notes of the monthly Meeting held on the 3rd February 2020 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed and dated the Minutes.


Item 20/03-40 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman had no specific items to report.


Item 20/03-41 Parish Councillors Reports/Matters to Raise

Cllr Barker gave a well done thanks to all the volunteers who worked on the hedge-cutting at the St. Botolph’s Churchyard a good job was carried out.





Item 20/03-42 Matters Arising From the January 2020 Correspondence File

Cllr Mr Mace has submitted an application to the Postcode Lottery for a grant on-line. An acknowledgement receipt has been received.


Item 20/03-43 Financial Matters

A) MARCH 2020 Expenditure: Awaiting a replacement cheque book to raise the outstanding approved expenditure to Blockfree Services and Glendale Management.


Item 20/03-44 Planning Matters

A) To Note the Full Listed Planning Consent Granted by ELDC:

             Ref: N/155/02256/19     Applicant: Mrs.J.Parr

             Proposal: Listed Building Consent – Alterations to provide 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign and 1no. non-

             illuminated free standing sign.

             Location: Manor House, Main Road, Saltfleet, Nr. Louth, Lincs, LN11 7RZ 


The permission given was noted by the Parish Council with no comments made.


Item 20/03-45 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters

Church Lane – The condition of the lane continues to deteriorate with sections becoming littered with potholes that are unavoidable.


Item 20/03-46 Village Field

Two padlocks were passed onto the Chairman for the gates. The grass-cutting to comment on the field one week prior to Easter along with the provision of a Toilet.

Renovation of the Carpark along with the provision of Adult Fitness Equipment were briefly discussed along with funding opportunities and grants needed. It was agreed that this would be placed on the next Agenda for further discussion and identify equipment.


Item 20/03-47 Any Other Urgent Matters



Item 20/03-48 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting

Due to the apologies that would be received from Parish Cllrs for the 6th April, it was Resolved that the next Monthly Parish Council Meeting would take place on Monday 20th April 2020 within the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet commencing at 7pm with the Public Forum.


With no further business or matters raised, the Chairman then closed the meeting at 8pm