October 2022 Minutes


Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 3 October 2022 which commenced at 18:30 at the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet


Chair: Cllr Brian Bignell,

Vice-Chair: Cllr Peter Mace

Parish Councillors: Cllr Ralph Benton, Cllr Sheila Warsap, Cllr Guy Williams, Cllr K Warsap (until 19:20) and Cllr Meryl Cunliffe

Clerk: Mrs S Bristow

District & County Councillors: Cllrs Daniel McNally (LCC) arrived at 19:05

Members of Public:   9 Parishioners


Public Forum


Members of the public expressed concerns about night time shooting at the Haven and a number of shot dead animals and birds they were finding (eg an owl, a fox, etc.). They enquired about ownership of the Haven and hunting permits that exist. Speeding in the village was raised as an ongoing concern. A member of the public was advised to use Fix My Street for their concerns raised as it was not a matter the PC could respond to. The topic of the shooting concerns will be raised in the upcoming meeting with LCC and the Clerk will invite the police representative to join the meeting in November regarding the speeding concerns.


Item 22/10-01 Chair’s Welcome


The Chair welcomed everyone to the Parish Council monthly meeting.


Item 22/10-02 Police Matters


Clarified that the Police do not attend unless there is a reason to do so. In light of the issues raised in the public forum, the clerk will invite a police representative to join the November meeting.


Item 22/10-03 District & County Councillors Reports


Cllr McNally told of Cost of Living advice and support that is available on the LCC Website. The purple lidded bins are being rolled out- they are already in situ in Saltfleet. The village was added to the list for grant consideration for Zero Carbon activities, and councillors were asked to think of what funding they might want to apply for. ELDC notes more levelling up funding is being made available. Cllr McNally has offered to help the PC obtain village demographic information to support the upcoming village plan.


Item 22/10-04 Village Field


A representative of the Village Field committee presented the latest statement of their accounts to the Councillors. Chair remarked that large crevices had opened on the field due to the drought and he had put up signs to warn users. The discussion about an all-weather playing surface was tabled to November.


Item 22/10-05 Apologies and acceptance for absence




Item 22/10-06 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011




Item 22/10-07 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on 5 September 2022


Minutes RESOLVED and signed by the Chair.


Item 22/10-08 Chair’s Report


Attended training with the Clerk and found it very helpful. Enquired about the Parish Plan and was advised that questions would be finalised in time for the PC to resolve the questionnaire in November.


Item 22/10-09 Clerk’s Report


  1. Update on actions from September meeting
  2. Lincs BID delivery of planters for village; BID has been dissolved
  3. Dates for a meeting re The Haven
  4. Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, and Financial Regulations sent to all councillors for consideration and adoption. PC asked if the SO’s can be updated to reflect the use of electronic signatures for when two councillors wish to call for an extraordinary meeting. Clerk will check this is possible and amend the draft accordingly. The final approval of these documents was tabled until November.
  5. Training undertaken and scheduled through November: JADU Website Advanced, Clerk & Chair, LALC AGM, ICCM Basics, Council Powers and procedures
  6. HMRC have acknowledged and paid our VAT 126 return £1175.66
  7. Winter Support Summit on 14 October; Cllr Cunliffe to attend
  8. Age UK Request for Volunteers
  9. War Bonds: Tabled to November



Item 22/10-10 Parish Councillors’ Reports/Matters to Raise


  1. Vice Chair: suggested a Perspex bus shelter on Jacklin Drive, which had previously been refused, but there was no appetite for the shelter or the expenditure. Asked about siting of Blooming Saltfleet features concerning highways. A representative of the group will forward a list of features and their locations for the Chair to ascertain if they are on District/County council property for the purposes of ensuring that any concerns they may have are addressed.
  2. Cllr Cunliffe: tree planting has been tabled to November and scarecrow festival was deemed a community event and not one for the PC to be involved in.
  3. Cllr Williams: siting of new benches and fixing concerns, seven grass locations and one concrete were identified for bench placement. He will specify the fixings and get them ordered. Burial ground weeds killing was not as successful as hoped so a second application of herbicide will take place. The hedge on Saddleback Road is being cut back in the coming week following a conversation with the residents who were unaware that it was their responsibility to maintain.


Item 22/10-11 Financial Matters


Presentation and review of YTD financial picture through 27.09.22, the Clerk will present this monthly going forward. It was RESOLVED to make the following payments:


  1. Clerk’s Salary Q2 (July-Sept, inclusive of 20 additional hours in August) £727.05 Cheque 100117
  2. Clerk’s expenses for September 2022 £68.97 (£44.10 for 98 miles driven for training on 28.09.22, £4.49 for printing plan, £10.88 for stamps, £9.50 for paper.) Combined on Cheque 100117
  3. Clerk’s HMRC contribution Q2 (July-Sept) £181.80 Cheque 100118
  4. Glendale Countryside (Sports field Grass Cutting 02 Aug 2022) Invoice GC446-PC-03720 £84.00, of which £14.00 is VAT Cheque 100116
  5. Previous Clerk’s Final Salary (April-May 2022) £280.28 Cheque 100113 and Final HMRC PAYE (April-May 2022) £70 Cheque 100115- as resolved in closed session at the end of the 5 September 2022 PC Meeting.


Item 22/10-12 Planning Matters




Item 22/10-13 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters


Clerk to report on Fix My Street about overgrown trees obscuring speed limit signs at the entry points to the village. Additionally, she will report about a vastly overgrown hedge on Tilllygate and West Lane junction.


Item 22/10-14 To resolve to exclude the public and media to discuss confidential items relating to individuals and confidential financial matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960


RESOLVED to go into closed session to discuss and update matters regarding an ongoing personnel issue. In this session it was RESOLVED to take the lead from HMRC’s own queries prior to the PC considering any further actions of their own.


Item 22/10-15 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting as 7 November


RESOLVED that the next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 7 November


Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was closed at 20:55.