August 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Monday 1 August 2022 which commenced at 19:16pm at the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet
Chair: Cllr Brian Bignell,
Vice-Chair: Cllr Peter Mace
Parish Councillors: Cllr Ralph Benton, Cllr Sheila Warsap, and Cllr Meryl Cunliffe
Clerk: Mrs S Bristow
District & County Councillors: Cllrs Daniel McNally (LCC) and Paul Rickett (ELDC)
Members of Public: 3 Parishioners
Public Forum
Removal query regarding the dead Conifer outside the Crown Inn, as it was not subject to a TPO, the parishioner was advised to contact the landowner.
A representative from Blooming Saltfleet gave a summary of the group’s activities thus far and circulated a grant request to the PC. Several Councillors mentioned seeing their projects in the village and the engagement of the community around their efforts.
A parishioner wanted the PC to note gratitude to the individual who repaired a community bench of his own volition.
Item 22/08-01 Chair’s Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the Parish Council monthly meeting.
Item 22/08-02 Police Matters
No members of the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance; their Q2 report was circulated.
Item 22/08-03 District & County Councillors Reports
ELDC is publicising a Freedom Never Gets Old campaign to encourage all who are eligible to obtain and use their concessionary bus passes. LCC mentioned rural internet upgrades are in the pipeline and that a representative for the scheme will visit an upcoming PC Meeting.
Item 22/08-04 Village Field
No village field representative attended. Social media complaints were discussed pertaining to drone flying and bridge repairs suggested.
Item 22/08-05 Apologies and acceptance for absence
RESOLVED to accept the apologies for absence from Cllr Guy Williams and Cllr Keith Warsap.
Item 22/08-06 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011
None. The clerk distributed new DPI forms as the only updated ones she has are from Cllr Cunliffe. Councillors are asked to return these at the September meeting.
Item 22/08-07 To Resolve as Minutes the Record of the Monthly Meeting held on 4 July 2022
Minutes RESOLVED and signed by the Chair.
Item 22/08-08 Chair’s Report
Chair had been asked about the PC’s efforts towards minimising the use of plastics, particularly water bottles, and if the PC had considered installing a water refill station or similar.
Item 22/08-09 Clerk’s Report
- The Environment Agency July report and Multiple LCC survey links and notices were received, circulated, and posted to the website as appropriate.
- A complaint was received about kite surfers disturbing wildlife at Saltfleet Haven asking the PC to act to ensure further incidents are minimised/eliminated.
- 2021-2022 AGAR will be prepared for approval at the September meeting to ensure we can meet the extension granted by PKF Littlejohn.
- Will prepare for a VAT refund to be filed covering the past three years as allowed by HMRC.
- Will propose new standing orders, financial regulations, and code of conduct in time for the September meeting.
- Proposed a system of policy creation and review to ensure internal controls are in place for the future.
- Burial being scheduled for 24 August, will confirm to the PC timings as soon as possible.
Item 22/08-10 Parish Councillors’ Reports/Matters to Raise
- Cllr M Cunliffe: regarding Community Organisation funding requests
- Blooming Saltfleet presented a funding request to the PC to support their ongoing efforts as they move towards self-sufficiency having been run on donations from the community thus far. It was RESOLVED to support their request with a monetary donation tonight. Clerk tasked to look into the Best Kept Village scheme.
- Cllr G Williams: bench and picnic tables order, tree planting, and hedge cutting request for resident.
- Given Cllr Williams absence, the hedge cutting and tree planting portions of this matter were table until September.
- The bench and picnic tables portion was resolved at an earlier meeting and a cheque will be written tonight.
- Vice Chair: plaques for benches and picnic tables
- Prices needed for the plaques, Clerk to provide
- Parishioner written request for plaque was RESOLVED acceptable subject to their funding the plaque
- Council overall: Haven concerns regarding access, day and overnight parking, campfires, and signage. Clerk tasked with communicating to Natural England and convening a meeting of joint bodies to discuss Haven concerns and actions.
Item 22/08-11 Financial Matters
RESOLVED to make the following payments:
- PKF Littlejohn invoice SB20204697 £336 Cheque 100107
- PKF Littlejohn invoice SB20214475 £579 Cheque 100106
- Glendale invoices GC446-PC-03522A and GC446-PC-03589 £336 Cheque 100105
- Blooming Saltfleet £600 Cheque 100104
- NBB Recycled Furniture Ltd Invoice 3351826 £3600.72 Cheque 100103
- BHIB Insurance Reference LC/SKID/09422-EY10 £579.37 Cheque 100108
RESOLVED for clerk to contract an Internal Auditor for 2021-2022 AGAR (estimated £60), and to be reimbursed for said audit upon presentation of a paid invoice.
The PC RESOLVED to move to a Closed Meeting at 20:45 to discuss the remaining financial issues as they related to personnel.
The Meeting reopened at 21:10
Item 22/08-12 Planning Matters
N/155/01270/22 Change of use of land to form an extension to the existing domestic curtilage. SKIDBROOKE FARM, WARREN ROAD, SKIDBROOKE, LOUTH, LN11 7DF
RESOLVED to not lodge comment on this application.
Item 22/08-13 Highways / Footpath / Lighting Matters
Grit bin at Botolph’s View reported to LCC as damaged; it is not in an area that would qualify for a bin so it will not be replaced. Option to use it as is or LCC will come and collect it.
RESOLVED to use the bin as-is.
Clerk tasked to inform footpaths regarding loose planks on the bridge of the dyke at the bottom of Pump Lane and Tillygate/Louth Roads.
Item 22/08-14 To Resolve the Date of the next Parish Council Monthly Meeting as 5 September
RESOLVED that the next Parish Council meeting will be held at the Social Centre, Sea Lane, Saltfleet on Monday 5 September 2022, commencing at 19:00 with the Public Forum.
Having concluded the agenda, the meeting was closed at 21:25.